Dear Apartment Tenants:

Warm wishes for a happy and healthy 2021!

As the new year begins, we again urge you to follow the CDC recommendations and the recent November 18, 2020 State of Illinois Covid-19 Executive Order, as summarized in part, below. Your compliance with the guidelines below is the single biggest factor in keeping you, your families, as well as our staff, safe.

Please note that if adherence to the following guidelines prevents you from providing access to a guest during the front door entry closure from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. beginning Monday, January 11th, please contact the office and our staff will buzz in your guest at the side entry door.

1. Do not frequent or remain in the common areas of the Building if you, within the last two weeks, have tested positive for COVID-19, are sick, have a fever, are coughing, have difficulty breathing, are experiencing any other symptoms of COVID-19; or have been in close contact with a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19 either in your household, your place of business or elsewhere;

2. Cover your nose and mouth with a face covering when in the common areas of the Building unless you are medically unable to tolerate (children under the age of 2 are exempted from this requirement);

3. As much as reasonably possible maintain social distancing of at least six feet from anyone not a member of your household and do not congregate or linger in the common areas of the Building;

4. Limit elevator use to no more than two persons at a time and queue as shown on the floor stickers;

5. Residents at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 are urged to stay in their residence as much as possible;

6. Avoid indoor gatherings of more than one household.

If you learn of a positive test result for COVID-19 for yourself or a household member we urge you to call our office so that we may partner with you to respond appropriately, while being respectful of your privacy.

As we have previously indicated there have been and may continue to be reported confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Spinning Wheel Apartments and by occupying the building, you assume the risk in doing so.

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